We wish happy holidays to you and your loved ones!
Before we retreat over the holidays, we proudly present you with something homemade. We made you a couple of beautiful wallpapers for your smartphones! And everyone can pick the one they like best!
It is easy: Click the motive you like best and, if the file is not downloaded automatically, download the full-sized image. Then you can set the downloaded image as the background of your phone’s display.
Oh, you want them all? Nothing will stop you from downloading them all – go ahead!
Have fun with the embellished screens! And if you would like even more options, check out last year’s gift post.
We will take in some quiet time over the holidays. Hence, the comments here will be deactivated during that period. Afterwards, you will be able to reach us as usual again. 🙂
Enjoy the holidays and start well into the New Year!
Your Palace Team
PS: If you start missing us, let us reunite at the New Year’s Tournament on January 2, 2021.
UPDATE: The winners of our ACE Altenburger Christmas Tournament are determined!
Dear winners, to access your certificates, click your player name in the table below. Upon doing so, your certificate will be displayed for you to download directly.
For a small bet of one Chip, you got to compete for the jackpot of 20,000 Chips! Additionally, this tournament was an XXL edition with five instead of three series, a proper game night!
Some games required several play groups: When a group reached maximum players, we created a new one. Places 1 to 3 were established for each play group. A tie within a play group could cause a place to be awarded several times. Which play group you were successful in is noted in your certificate.
We congratulate the following players on gaining glory and exclusive prizes from the Palace:
1st Place
• an exclusive certificate in ACE Altenburger style
• 90 Premium days
• 70% of the jackpot*
* In Group 2, 45% each
2nd Place
• an exclusive certificate in ACE Altenburger style
• 60 Premium days
• 20% of the jackpot
3rd Place
• an exclusive certificate in ACE Altenburger style
• 30 Premium days
• 10% of the jackpot
Congratulations and enjoy the prizes! And thanks to everyone who took part.
We will take in some quiet time over the holidays. Hence, the comments here are deactivated during that period. Afterwards, you will be able to reach us as usual again. ?
Enjoy the holidays and start well into the New Year!
Your Palace Team
PS: If you start missing us, let us reunite at the New Year’s Tournament on January 2, 2021.
Our finale of 2020 is here: On Saturday, December 19, 2020, the official Palace of Cards Christmas Tournament will start at 8:30 pm CETunder the banner of our official partner, ACE Altenburger!
For a small bet of one Chip, you get to compete for the jackpot of 20,000 Chips! Additionally, this tournament is another XXL edition with five instead of three series. So, make sure you have enough time for a lovely game night!
Our Partner
We have been giving a digital home to card games since 2009. And the Spielkartenfabrik Altenburg GmbH has been providing families, friends, and regulars at the bar with playing cards and more in Germany since 1832! By the way, card making has a history of more than 500 years in Altenburg, Germany.
Now, we teamed up: ACEAltenburger card designs have been available at the Palace for a while now. And since October 2019, more and more newly produced card games feature a voucher for the Skat Palace, Rummy Palace, and Sheepshead Palace!
We celebrate our partnership with the Christmas Tournament! Join and compete for one of our exclusive prizes.
All our Spider players are now received in the ranks of tournament players, too. Welcome! Thereby, this official tournament is the first one taking place across the whole Palace of Cards!
The following player numbers are in effect at the ACE Altenburger Christmas Tournament:
3 players per table
4 players per table
4 players per table
4 players per table
4 players per table
4 players per table
4 players per table
4 players per table
4 players per table
Depending on the game, 200 to 450 players can play per group in every game. When the maximum of players is exceeded, the next group will open automatically. This way, everyone can partake for a bet of merely one Chip! Of course, you will face tenacious opponents. But if you come out on top in your game, appreciation and exclusive prizes await you.
Sign up for the tournament via the game you want to compete in as of now. To do so, enter your desired game, and continue step by step:
On a tablet or smartphone
(except Pinochle)
On a desktop PC or laptop
(Any device for Pinochle)
1. Click Options.
2. Click Competition.
3. Click Tournaments.
4. Scroll until you see the tournament titled Christmas Tournament and click Enroll.
1. Click Competitionor the trophy symbol at the bottom of the lobby.
2. Click Tournaments.
3. Scroll until you see the tournament titled Christmas Tournament and click Enroll.
Attention: In older Pinochle versions, this tournament might be displayed as Standard Tournament.
To participate in the tournament, you just need to be online in your game on December 19, 2020, shortly before 8:30 pm CETand enter the tournament.
There will be exclusive Palace of Cards certificates, numerous Premium days, and a jackpot with up to 20,000 Chips. We lovingly design the certificates exclusively for this occasion! All winners of the places one to three receive one as a PDF:
All winners means several play groups per tournament are possible: If 540 players registered for Sheepshead, we would split the tournament into three groups with a maximum of 200 players each.
As a result, there would be three first places, three second places, and three third places. Each play group has its separate jackpot. We will note in your certificate in which play group you were successful.
The jackpot and will be split among the winners per group. Usually, the first place receives 70% of the pot’s Chips, the second place 20%, and the third place 10%.
If two players in the same play group reach the same score, double placements can occur. In this case, the distribution of prizes changes slightly. This is always communicated clearly in our update post on the winners.
Let’s go!
Best sign up right away, so you cannot forget it. Once that is done, you can happily anticipate the tournament with us. Get ready for the clash of the best – practice makes perfect! So, don’t be intimidated and show your skills.
UPDATE: The winners of our Chips Rush Tournament were determined!
Dear winners, to access your certificates, click your player name in the table below. Upon doing so, your certificate will be displayed for you to download directly.
Some games required several play groups: When a group reached maximum players, a new one was created. Places 1 to 3 were established for each play group. A tie within a play group could cause a place to be awarded several times. Which play group you were successful in is noted in your certificate.
Of course, we are delighted by every single player who took part. Praise, criticism, and suggestions for future tournaments of this kind are welcome. Feel free to comment on this post or send an e-mail to support@spiele-palast.de.
Your Palace Team
If you could not join this time, there will be one more chance to take part in an official Palace of Cards Tournament this year, in the Christmas Tournament on December 19. We will bring youth details right here. Stay tuned ?
It is time at last: We officially released the leveling system!
Of course, the leveling system comes with levels reached via experience points and new game contents as a cherry on top. That creates a new competition! And you can adjust the game’s looks to your wishes level by level.
Level Up
Now, you automatically collect experience points for each finished table. You love your game and regularly play a table? That will show soon! Also, winning deals additional experience points!
A table’s further characteristics can affect the experience points as well: They depend on the game and include the number of fellow players, your progress at the table, the bet, and a few custom rules.
You will reach each level with certain numbers of experience points. Fellow players see which level you are at, and vice versa. At the end of every table, you will see how many experience points you gained and if you reached a new level.
And in your own player profile, you can see how many experience points you need for the next level-up! Additionally, you can choose if you want to play using your own table and card backs only.
By default, the game will display the selections of the table host, if there is one. If you do not like that and would rather use your settings, just turn the option host table off.
New Game Contents
With levels reached, you unlock exclusive rewardsin the game: We are thinking Chips, frames for your profile picture, skins for the tables at the Palace, and individual patterns for the back of the playing cards. These are unprecedented options! You get all these contents for free – by simply taking part in the game and collecting experience points.
What Will Change in the League?
To make it short: nothing.
The leveling system is a new and separate feature. You will collect league points, Chips, and stars just like before. And the experience points will top it up!
By the way: By popular request, our games now come standard with tables using the custom rule Training. These tables do neither affect the league nor the star rating. This way, you can practice risk-free at these tables without worrying about decreases in your stats. Nevertheless, you will still gain experience points at these tables.
Thank You!
We are incredibly glad to provide this feature to you! And you, the player community, helped to accomplish that directly. We had two beta tests in different games: One in Skat, Solitaire, and Rummy from October 21 to 29, and another one from November 4 to 9 just in Skat. This way, we could identify any bumps with your help and smooth them. For this, we are very grateful!
The Leveling Sale
We celebrate the new leveling system with a sale until Sunday, November 29, 2020! For now, your favorite products, Chips, for example, are available at a discount of up to 30% at the Palace!
At this point, we can tell you one thing: Have fun! We hope the new feature will bring you joy! And let us find out who will level up fastest.
We are always happy to receive praise and constructive criticism in the blog comments or via e-mail at support@spiele-palast.de.
The second last official tournament for 2020 is pending: On Saturday, November 21, 2020, we hold the Chips Rush Tournament. And it is a very special edition that is all about one thing – Chips, of course! For a small bet of 10 Chips, you get to compete for the never before seen jackpot of 50,000 Chips!
The Chips Rush Tournament will take place in the following games:
3 players per table
4 players per table
4 players per table
4 players per table
4 players per table
4 players per table
4 players per table
4 players per table
Depending on the game, 200 to 450 players can play per group in every game. When the maximum of players is exceeded, the next group will open automatically. This way, every Chips miner can partake for a bet of merely 10 Chips! Of course, you will face tenacious opponents. But if you come out on top in your game, appreciation and Chips, Chips, Chips await you.
Sign up for the tournament via the game you want to compete in as of now. To do so, enter your desired game, and continue step by step:
On a tablet or smartphone
(except Pinochle)
On a desktop PC or laptop
(Any device for Pinochle)
1. Click Options.
2. Click Competition.
3. Click Tournaments.
4. Scroll until you see the tournament titled Chips Rush Tournament and click Enroll.
1. Click Competitionor the trophy symbol at the bottom of the lobby.
2. Click Tournaments.
3. Scroll until you see the tournament titled Chips Rush Tournament and click Enroll.
Attention: In older Pinochle versions, this tournament might be displayed as Standard Tournament.
To participate in the tournament, you just need to be online in your game on November 21, 2020, shortly before 8:30 pm CETand enter the tournament.
There will be exclusive Palace of Cards certificates and a jackpot with up to 50,000 Chips. We lovingly design the certificates exclusively for this occasion! All winners of the places one to three receive one as a PDF:
All winners means several play groups per tournament are possible: If 540 players registered for Sheepshead, we would split the tournament into three groups with a maximum of 200 players each.
As a result, there would be three first places, three second places, and three third places. Each play group has its separate jackpot. We will note in your certificate in which play group you were successful.
The jackpot and will be split among the winners per group. Usually, the first place receives 70% of the Chips in the pot, the second place 20%, and the third place 10%.
If two players in the same play group reach the same score, double placements can occur. In this case, the distribution of prizes changes slightly. This is always communicated clearly in our update post on the winners.
Let’s go!
Best sign up right away, so you cannot forget it. Once that is done, you can happily anticipate the tournament with us. Get ready for the clash of the best – practice makes perfect! So, don’t be intimidated and show your skills.
Greetings, and already wishing you a good hand,
Your Palace Team
PS: Keep the ASS-Altenburg-styled Christmas Tournament on December 19, 2020, in mind, too!
The second beta test ended today, on November 9, 2020. Thank you very much for your support!
We will now get to optimizing the leveling system. We want to be able to announce the feature release soon, after all. Keep your eyes peeled!
Your Palace Team
Dear friends of the Palace,
Recently, we introduced our plans for the leveling system to you. And from October 21 until October 29, 2020, you could try it out in the first beta test. Thanks to your participation and feedback, we were able to spot and remove bugs. Hence, it is time for the second round of testing!
The Leveling System
If you have not heard of it yet, you find a quick run-down here. And you can find more details in our first blog post on this topic.
You will collect experience points for each round,no matter if won or lost. You cannot lose XP you gained! As a result, players who come by often and spend time playing at the Palace gather many XP in the long run.
Fundamentally, every table brings experience points. Additionally, victory and taking higher risks by playing at tables with higher bets will increase your experience points even more! With certain numbers of XP, you will reach levels.
With levels reached, you unlock exclusive rewardsin the game: We are thinking Chips, frames for your profile picture, skins for the tables at the Palace, and individual patterns for the back of the playing cards. You get all these contents for free by simply taking part in the game and collecting XP.
Border and shape examples:
Table skin examples:
Card back examples:
The Second Beta Test
We want to provide you with the best possible experience! Thus, we worked with your feedback from the first beta test and revised the feature. Thank you for participating!
To join the new version’s test, you can play the Skat Palace‘s beta version until November 9, 2020.
That means you will be entering a dedicated environment where the leveling system is already running. You can access the beta version when playing via browser or on android devices.
For Browser Players
For Android Players
Browser players can use these links to enter the game:
You can tell if you are in the normal game or the beta version by looking at the game logo in the lobby. If you see “Beta” written on top of it, you are in the beta version. You can play like you usually do while exploring some changes caused by the leveling system. Meanwhile, we will check if the distribution of XP makes sense, for example. Should any errors or problems occur during the beta test, you will be able to report them in the game immediately. This way, you are directly contributing to developing new versions!
Chips, star points, and league points that you gain or lose in the beta version will be issued to your player account in the normal game as per usual. Furthermore, you will receive additional free Chips for reaching new levels, which get to keep when the beta phase ends.
Similarly, your positions in the league and, if applicable, Premium membership remain with you in the normal game and the beta version. However, the XP and levels unlocked in the beta test will be deleted once the beta test ends. As a result, all players will equally start from scratch in the leveling system when the feature is officially released.
To be Continued
Here goes the next shared test phase! Join the test or relax and wait until we officially publish the new version. We cannot wait for it either!
Meanwhile, feel free to let us know what you look forward to most with the new extension.
As soon as we know, when we release the full feature, there will be another blog post with more detail. So, keep your eyes peeled!
UPDATE: The winners of our Halloween Tournament were determined!
Dear winners, to access your certificates, click your player name in the table below. Upon doing so, your certificate will be displayed for you to download directly.
Some games required several play groups: When a group reached maximum players, a new one was created. Places 1 to 3 were established for each play group. A tie within a play group could cause a place to be awarded several times. Which play group you were successful in is noted in your certificate.
Of course, we are delighted by every single player who took part. Praise, criticism, and suggestions for future tournaments of this kind are welcome. Feel free to comment on this post or send an e-mail to support@spiele-palast.de.
Your Palace Team
If you could not join this time, there will be several chances to take part in an official Palace of Cards Tournament this year. We will let you know right here. Stay tuned ?
This is the start of our official Tournament Countdown for 2020: Three are remaining, and the Halloween Tournament on October 31, 2020, marks the beginning. So get dressed up, join the Party at 8:30 pm CET, and give your opponents the shivers! Of course, only using your skills 😉
All Pinochle players are now received in the ranks of tournament players. Welcome, once again! Hence, the Halloween Tournament will take place in the following games:
3 players per table
4 players per table
4 players per table
4 players per table
4 players per table
4 players per table
4 players per table
4 players per table
Depending on the game, 200 to 450 players can play per group in every game. When the maximum of players is exceeded, the next group will open automatically. This way, everyone can partake for a bet of only one Chip! Of course, you will face tenacious opponents. But if you come out on top in your game, appreciation and exclusive prizes await you.
Sign up for the tournament via the game you want to compete in as of now. To do so, enter your desired game, and continue step by step:
On a tablet or smartphone
(except Pinochle)
On a desktop PC or laptop
(Any device for Pinochle)
1. Click Options.
2. Click Competition.
3. Click Tournaments.
4. Scroll until you see the tournament titled Halloween Tournament and click Enroll.
1. Click Competitionor the trophy symbol at the bottom of the lobby.
2. Click Tournaments.
3. Scroll until you see the tournament titled Halloween Tournament and click Enroll.
Attention: In older Pinochle versions, this tournament might be displayed as Standard Tournament.
To take part in the tournament, you just need to be online in your game on October 31, 2020, shortly before 8:30 pm CETand enter the tournament.
There will be exclusive Palace of Cards certificates, numerous Premium days, and a jackpot with up to 10,000 Chips. We lovingly design the certificates exclusively for this occasion! All winners of the places one to three receive one as a PDF:
All winners means several play groups per tournament are possible: If 540 players registered for Sheepshead, the tournament would be held in three groups with a maximum of 200 players each.
As a result, there would be three first places, three second places, and three third places. Each play group has its separate jackpot. It will be noted in your certificate, in which play group you were successful.
The jackpot and the Premium days will be split among the winners per group. Usually, the first place receives 70% of the Chips in the pot and 90 Premium days, the second place 20% and 60 Premium days, and the third place 10% and 30 Premium days.
If two players in the same playgroup win the same score, double placements can occur. In this case, the distribution of prizes changes slightly. This is always communicated clearly in our update post on the winners.
Let’s go!
Best sign up right away, so you cannot forget it. Once that is done, you can happily anticipate the tournament with us. Get ready for the clash of the best – practice makes perfect! So, don’t be intimidated and show your skills.
We are looking forward to welcoming the participants!
Greetings, and already wishing you a good hand,
Your Palace Team
PS: Keep the Chips Rush Tournament on November 21, 2020, and the Christmas Tournament on December 19, 2020, in mind, too!
You have probably read about our official Palace of Cards Tournaments in this blog before. After all, we held five official tournaments since the premiere in the summer of 2019!
If you have not, it is about time: You get to play for an exceptionally large Chips jackpot contributing a fairly low bet. Sometimes, we come up with something extra. There are plenty of participants each time, so join in!
Open your agenda and save the dates:
Saturday, October 31, 8:30 pm CET – Halloween Tournament
Saturday, November 21, 8:30 pm CET – Chips Rush Tournament
Saturday, December 19, 8:30 pm CET – Christmas Tournament
After making time for the tournaments, you need to sign up, of course! You can do so in your desired game as of now. Enter your game, and continue step by step:
On a tablet or smartphone
(except Pinochle)
On a desktop PC or laptop
(Any device for Pinochle)
1. Click Options.
2. Click Competition.
3. Click Tournaments.
4. Scroll until you see the desired tournament and click Enroll.
1. Click Competitionor the trophy symbol at the bottom of the lobby.
2. Click Tournaments.
3. Scroll until you see the desired tournament and click Enroll.
As a rule, our official tournaments come with a jackpot with up to 10,000 Chips, numerous Premium days, and exclusive Palace of Cards certificates, lovingly designed exclusively for this occasion, for all winners.
The jackpot and the Premium days are split among the winners of each play group. Usually, the first place receives 70% of the Chips in the pot and 90 Premium days, the second place 20% and 60 Premium days, and the third place 10% and 30 Premium days.
All winners mean several play groups per tournament are possible: When the maximum of registered players is exceeded, another play group will open automatically. As a result of this and even scores within one group, several players can be in the same place.
Something Extra
As stated above, some official tournaments are created with something extra:
The Chips Rush Tournament does not carry this name in vain: It is about nothing but Chips – and plenty of them! You can see how many Chips the pot holds in the game’s tournament list.
And the Christmas Tournament is coming in ASS Altenburger style.
See You Soon!
Best sign up right away, so you cannot forget it. Once that is done, you can happily anticipate the tournament with us. Get ready for the clash of the best – practice makes perfect! So, don’t be intimidated and show your skills.
We are looking forward to welcoming the participants!
Your Palace Team
P.S. If you are jinxed, and none of the tournaments suit your schedule, there will be several chances to take part in an official Palace of Cards Tournament next year. We will let you know right here. Stay tuned 😉
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