UPDATE: The winners of the Summer Tournament XXL 2023 are determined!
Dear winners, to access your certificates, click your player name in the table below. Upon doing so, your certificate will be displayed for you to download directly.
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Dear friends of the Palace,
The sun is shining, birds are singing, and playing cards are flying – it’s time for our long-awaited Summer Tournament XXL! On Saturday, June 24, 2023, it is on at 8:30 pm CET, and you are invited!
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UPDATE: The winners of the Pentecost Tournament 2023 are determined!
Dear winners, to access your certificates, click your player name in the table below. Upon doing so, your certificate will be displayed for you to download directly.
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Dear friends of the Palace,
In many countries, Whit Monday extends the next weekend! This extended weekend brings another opportunity for competition and Chips: You are invited to the official Palace of Cards Pentecost Tournament. It starts on Sunday, May 28, 2023, at 8:30 pm CET.
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Dear Friends of the Palace,
We will increase the prices of optional purchases at the Palace of Cards. Learn here why, what that means exactly, and how you will be able to carry out optional in-game purchases at a favorable rate in the future.
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Dear Friends of the Palace,
After our test run for ads in the game, you are getting a status update here today.
Let’s start by clarifying: Players with a Premium Membership will, of course, not see advertisements.
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UPDATE: The winners of the Easter Tournament XXL in 2023 are determined!
Dear winners, to access your certificates, click your player name in the table below. Upon doing so, your certificate will be displayed for you to download directly.
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A special tournament edition comes back for Easter 2023: On Sunday, April 9, 2023, the Easter Tournament XXL is on at 8:30 pm CET. XXL means you will play five instead of three series. So, make sure you have enough time for a lovely game night!
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UPDATE: The winners of the Winter Tournament in 2023 are determined
Dear winners, to access your certificates, click your player name in the table below. Upon doing so, your certificate will be displayed for you to download directly.
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Dear Palace Community,
We haven’t been able to present you some of our games as usual over the past few days on Facebook. As it is currently unforeseeable how long these three games won’t be available, we decided to take further steps.
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