Dear friends of the Palace,
We have springtime in our pocket – along with great news for you and your urge to play: You are invited to the official Palace of Cards Spring Tournament. On Saturday, March 25, 2023, the Spring Tournament is on at 8:30 pm CET.
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UPDATE: Dear friends of the Palace, you can reach all Palace games via Facebook again.
We resolved the issue with Facebook, and you can play and use the Facebook Login as usual again.
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Dear Friends of the Palace,
You can seize additional daily Chips now! Watch one short ad per game in its entirety to receive some free Chips as a reward. Learn more details here in the post!
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Dear Canasta Community,
Canasta had server issues starting yesterday, as some of you noticed.
We have resolved the issue by now, and everything should be working as usual again.
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UPDATE: The winners of the Winter Tournament in 2023 are determined!
Dear winners, to access your certificates, click your player name in the table below. Upon doing so, your certificate will be displayed for you to download directly.
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Dear Friends of the Palace,
We are going to test in-game ads over a longer period and want to be transparent about it. This test is in place for us to find a good balance and not detract from the fun while playing. Please take a moment to read what is to come and why we are considering this step. If you have a Premium Membership, you will not see any ads.
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Dear friends of the Palace,
Shake off the winter sleep in a proper competition! You are invited: On Friday, February 3, 2023, the Winter Tournament is on at 8:30 pm CET.
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UPDATE: The winners of 2023’s New Year’s Tournament are determined!
Dear winners, to access your certificates, click your player name in the table below. Upon doing so, your certificate will be displayed for you to download directly.
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Dear friends of the Palace,
Welcome to the other side of the turn of the year. Step over 2023’s threshold, and gather at this new year’s first official Palace of Cards Tournament after that: On Monday, January 2, 2023, the New Year’s Tournament is on at 8:30 pm CET.
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UPDATE: The winners of the Christmas Tournament in 2022 are determined!
Dear winners, to access your certificates, click your player name in the table below. Upon doing so, your certificate will be displayed for you to download directly.
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