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Dear Friends of the Palace,
If you like, you can seize additional Chips daily now! Your way to the Chips leads to the shop of each Palace game.
There, alongside the Chips packages you can buy, you find a new option: You can watch one ad per game in its entirety each day to receive some free Chips as a reward. Since this is absolutely voluntary, all players can use this option, whether they have a Premium Membership or not.
If you choose this option, you will see the ad on your entire screen. Once it is over, you can close it. Then, you see the usual shop environment of the game with your reward.
When you can watch an ad for Chips, the button is colored in. If the button is gray, you just have to wait a bit longer.
Write praise, constructive criticism, and suggestions here in a comment or send an email to support@spiele-palast.de.
Best regards and a good hand,
Your Palace Team
I had over 700 chips which I purchased. Now they are gone. Please look at this and give my chips back.
Hello Sue,
you can write us always an email to support@spiele-palast.de so that we can help you in your matter. ๐
Best wishes
so I would get extra chips for free for watching an ad, where do I find this
Hello Shirly,
it is not for all our player yet. So the ads are not for all players in the game, because we are only testing the option for a future literations of our games. Best wishes
There is NO button to watch an ad. Logged out. Logged back in. No button to watch ad. What’s going on?
Hello Marilee,
it is not for all our player yet. So the ads are not for all players in the game, because we are only testing the option for a future literations of our games. Best wishes