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Dear friends of the Palace,
It is time: We are officially releasing the leveling system at the Pinochle Palace! The release process has already started, and soon all our Pinochle players get to enjoy it.
The leveling system comes with levels reached via experience points and new game contents as a cherry on top. That creates a new competition! And you can adjust the game’s looks to your wishes level by level.
Level Up
Now, you automatically collect experience points for each finished table. You love Pinochle and regularly play a table? That will show soon! Also, winning deals additional experience points!
The table’s following characteristics affect the experience points as well: the number of fellow players, your progress at the table, the bet, and a few custom rules.
You will reach each level with a certain number of experience points. Fellow players see which level you are at, and vice versa. At the end of every table, you will see how many experience points you gained and if you reached a new level.

Further, you can also see how many experience points you need for the next level-up in your player profile. Here, you can also decide if you want to play using your selected table and card backs only.
By default, the game will display the selections of the table host if there is one. If you do not like that and would rather use your settings, just remove the checkmark at the option Use host table.
New Game Contents
With each level reached, you unlock exclusive rewards in the game: Among them are Chips, frames for your profile picture, skins for the tables at the Palace, and individual patterns for the backs of the playing cards. These are unprecedented options! You get all these contents for free – by simply taking part in the game and collecting experience points.
What Will Change in the League?
To make it short: nothing.
The leveling system is a new and separate feature. You will collect league points, Chips, and stars just like before. And the experience points will top it up!
By the way: By popular request, our games now come standard with tables using the custom rule Training. These tables do neither affect the league nor the star rating. This way, you can practice risk-free at these tables without worrying about decreases in your stats. Nevertheless, you will still gain experience points at these tables.
Thank You!
We are very happy to provide you with this feature! And you, the player community, helped to accomplish that directly.
We had two beta tests in different games: One in Skat, Solitaire, and Rummy from October 21 to 29, 2020, and another one from November 4 to 9, 2020, just in Skat. With your help during the tests, we could identify any bumps and smooth them. That brings us to today: We can finally add this feature to the Pinochle Palace. For this, we are very grateful!
At this point, we can tell you one thing: Have fun! We hope the new feature will bring you joy! And let us find out who will level up fastest.
We are always happy to receive praise and constructive criticism in the blog comments or via e-mail at support@binokel-palast.de.
Greetings and wishing you a good hand,
Your Palace Team
I was in a game that someone asked for a card and took mine. I don’t understand that game or how to play…
Hello Mindy,
you can alway use the ingame help button with a click on the question mark. There you can find the rules and even a tutorial.
Best wishes
I have not played on a training table or if I had, I was not aware of it. Please tell me what I am missing? In the League ranking, the totals for our group “:English” have remained the same for a week. Could it be that all members are playing on a training table?
Hello Rosana,
it could be or your club is not registrated for the club league. So please have a look in your clubhouse if you are registrated for the league or not.
Best wishes
Why are points not currently accumulating in the league rankings.
Hello Rosana,
you played with the special rule “training”. On those tables the points dont count.
Best wishes